Birth Stone – Topaz – happy birthday month, Topaz Jewelry
November is a great month to be born in if choosing a favorite color is hard for you. Thanks to this month’s birthstone, Topaz, you have a variety of colors to choose from. Yellow topaz is the traditional birthstone color, but natural topaz is colorless. The various colors in this stone come from impurities that occur in nature or additives added by manufacturers.
We have tons of different color Topaz if you want to take a look, click here:
You can wear topaz in a number of ways. In earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings or any way you feel you can show off this beautiful gem.
History of Topaz
Production & Durability of Topaz Jewelry
The largest producer of quality topaz gemstones is Brazil. Other sources include Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Russia, Australia, Nigeria, Germany, Mexico, and the U.S.—mainly California, Utah, and New Hampshire.
Measuring 8 on the Mohs scale, topaz is a very hard and durable gemstone. Its perfect cleavage can make it prone to chipping or cracking, but when cut correctly, topaz makes very wearable and durable jewelry.
In Africa, healing rituals with topaz are practiced to establish communion with the realm of the spirit. The Bushmen who bring it to their shamanic work both for journeying, working with ancestors, and for healing, treat the stone as a highly sacred one.
If you want to see some beautiful topaz pieces, come down to Maddaloni jewelers and check it out!