National handwashing day, how to care for your Rings
Global Handwashing Day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to advocating for handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives. Since Covid has entered the world, most people are very prone to washing their hands regularly and taking care of their susceptibility to infections.
- Reduce the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by about 23%–40%
- Reduce the number of school days children missed because of gastrointestinal illness by 29%–57%
- Reduce diarrheal illness in people with weakened immune systems by about 58%
- Reduce respiratory illnesses, like colds, in the general population by about 16%–21%
As a jewelry company, we want to help you understand how to care for your rings & bracelets as you continue to wash your hands more regularly. Luckily, if you are using soap diamonds & gold will be completely fine. You may get some “soap buildup.” But you can always remove the scum by soaking your ring. Be careful of scented soaps as they will buildup residue on your beautiful diamond! The issue is when you use hand sanitizer.
Unfortunately, the ingredients in hand sanitizer are a little different hand soap. It is made up of rubbing alcohol. This will also leave a residue on the gemstones or diamonds of your rings. The alcohol, over time, will damage gemstones and you may notice your diamonds lose a little bit of shine. If you do wear your ring all the time and do not take it off when washing your hands, we recommend keeping a dish next to your sing so you have a safe place to put it when you are washing your hands to create a better habit.
At Maddaloni Jewelers, we recommend quarterly cleaning for all your jewelry. Bring in your rings to Maddaloni Jewelers and we can do a complimentary deep clean and check your center stones to make sure you don’t have any loose prongs or side stones.
Every 3-5 years you will want to have a professionally deep clean preformed where your stones may be removed to clean any hidden residue. A deep cleaning also allows Maddaloni Jewelers the chance to thoroughly inspect your diamonds and gemstones to ensure you’ll love your ring for years to come!