You matter to me day – Why you matter

You matter to me day – Why you matter

You Matter To Me Day on October 7 may not seem like a big deal to many. But do you know how many individuals have lost their loved ones without being given a chance to tell them how important they are? Yes, expressing your feelings regularly is one of the most critical and essential aspects of any relationship. If you haven’t been open to your loved ones in recent times, use this day as an opportunity to tell them how much they matter to you. In fact, you can even tell those who aren’t close to you how much their existence matters. Go all out and spread the love!

History of You Matter to Me Day

Relationships are essential for everyone. Unfortunately, while relationships with friends, family, and lovers fuel our lives, we often tend to ignore the people we love the most. We don’t show the people we love enough affection, nor do we truly express how much they mean to us. The result? We don’t realize our mistakes till it’s too late. To avoid this very feeling of hopelessness and guilt, You Matter to Me Day was created. The day was formed in 2010 by Linda Jew.

There are many days to show people they matter. Of course, at Maddaloni Jewelers our suggestion is…. Jewelry!  

Words often matter but jewelry lasts for a much longer time. If they are very close to your heart, try one of our beautiful heart necklaces

If it’s a family member, or a very close friend and you know their birthday, here are options to pick their birthstone in lots of different forms of jewelry, Earrings, necklaces, rings.

Whatever you decide to do, don't forget to tell someone that YOU MATTER TO ME!

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